Анализ гомологов генов основных белков цитоскелета у различных видов высших растений

  • А. Н. Рабоконь
  • А. С. Постовойтова
  • Я. В. Пирко
  • Я. Б. Блюм


Aims. The genes of cytoskeletal proteins are important to maintain essential life processes and functions at different stages of the ontogenesis. Intron length polymorphism (ILP) of some of them can be used as convenient and reliable tool for the study of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships between different plant species. ILP also can be used for genotyping different plants. In this connection, analysis of exon-intron structure of some cytoskeletal protein genes in different plant species represents considerable interest to extend the possible range of molecular markers. Methods. Using Arabidopsis actin and tubulin genes we have performed the similarity search of genes via TBLASTN predicted proteins of the Oriza sativa, Solanum tuberosum and Solanum lycopersicum genomes available at Phytozome v9.1. Results. We conducted out selection of actin, a- and b-tubulin gene homologues in the genomes of analyzed plants; studied its exon-intron structure; established the percent identity of CDS in these genes. Conclusions. Obtained data show that the exon sequences of these cytoskeleton genes in various species of higher plants are very similar, and intron sequences have significant differences, that reflects a high degree of polymorphism. Thus, the introns of these genes may be used as molecular markers in ILP-analysis.

Key words: gene, cytoskeletal proteins, actin, tubulin, homologue, exon, intron polymorphism.