Дослідження поліморфізму інсерція/делеція 14 п.н. гена некласичного антигена HLA-G при навиковому невиношуванні вагітності нез’ясованого ґенезу

  • K. O. Sosnina


The aim of this study was to determine the distribution and frequency of HLA-G 14 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism in women with idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss and in spontaneously aborted embryos. Methods. DNA was isolated from the peripheral blood cells and chorionic villi. DNA was subjected to polymerase chain reaction and electrophoresis in 2 % agarose gel. Results. Significantly higher HLA-G 14 bp insertion/ insertion genotype frequency (χ² = 4,021, P <0.05) in group of women with RPL compared to control group was established. Calculation of odds ratio (OR) showed more than 3-fold increase of miscarriage risk in women homozygous for HLA-G 14 bp insertion/ insertion genotype (OR = 3.41 CI -95 %: 1.065–11.85). Significantly higher HLA-G 14 bp insertion/insertion genotype frequency (χ² =5.233, <0.025) in group of spontaneously aborted embryos was also established and risk of spontaneous abortions in homozygous HLA-G 14 bp insertion/ insertion genotype is increased up to 3 times (OR = 2.71, CI-95 %: 1.13–6.54). Сonclusions. we assume that homozygous HLA-G 14 bp insertion/ insertion genotype is one of the risk factors of recurrent pregnancy loss in women.

Key words: idiopathic recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), HLA-G 14 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism.