Молекулярно-генетичні методи в діагностиці гострих лейкемій

  • M. V. Dybkov
  • M. P. Zavelevich
  • D. F. Gluzman
  • L. O. Polishchuk
  • S. S. Maliuta
  • G. D. Telegeev


Aims. Acute leukemia - heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal uncontrolled proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells or progenitor cells. The definition of specific cytogenetic-molecular abnormalities is important both for diagnosis and for treatment. Methods. Fusion genes bcr-abl1, mll/af4 and mll/af9 was detected by nested RT-PCR. Results. Samples of blood of patients with different type acute leukemia were analyzed. A case of simultaneous detection fusion genes p210 bcr-abl1, p190 bcr-abl1 and mll/af4 was detected. Conclusions. The proposed method for detection of the fusion genes mll/af4 and mll/af9 allows for molecular genetic differential diagnosis of acute leukemia.

Key words: acute leukemia, PCR, fusion genes mll/af4 mll/af9, diagnostics.