Аналіз та оцінка генетичних ресурсів картоплі на Устимівській дослідній станції рослинництва

  • R. O. Bondus
  • Yu. V. Kharchenko


Aims. Storing, updating and genetic study of a collection of potatoes. Vydi-ing sources of agronomic traits, forming attribute and other collective practical selection for this use. Methods. Learning and maintaining co-lecture samples potatoes in a state of viability and genetic authenticity conductivity reproduced by conventional methods in potato. Information system (IS) «Gene pool plant» provides online access to information about users of the genetic diversity of plants, including potatoes, which is Ustimovka Experimental Station of Plant Production and NCPGRU entre. Results. Variety collection potatoes Ustimovka Experimental Station of Plant Production presented samples of 30 countries. For biological status of potato samples to share yutsya local and selected varieties. The whole volume collection of potatoes (620 samples) SFO-rmovana passport database. Conclusions. Formed and registered in NCPGRU 5 feature collections and 11 valuable samples isolated source of agronomic traits that are transmitted to the scientific institutions ofUkraine with a view to their inclusion in breeding programs potato.

Key words: potato gene pool of plants, collection, introduction, varieties, sources of state-implicitly-valuable traits.