Исторический метод в изучении макроэволюционных процессов в животноводстве

  • Y. D. Ruban


Aims. Main aim was the definition of direction in selection animals in modern and future pedigreg works on basis macroevolutions prozesses in mammalias (cattle). Methods. Historical and analytical methods, permissibles the defeniting macroevolutions changes concerning modern condition of selection to dairy cattle. Results. On basis of paleontological facts has been determined most important spezialisation of animals to eating vegetable feed, development polygastric stomach and ruminant type of digestion, that reguiremented in modern selection and technology use rations to high productivity with higher energy contentration ducto increased consumption of concentreted feeds, above 50% of nutritive value. One- sided selection for milking of dairy cattle, not typical fo ruminants results to excessive tender of body – constitution, limiteu productive longevity, that connected with varions diseases (mastitis, acidosis, laminites and other) and low guality of production. In these conditions importante to raise demands to strength of body constitution and take into account of biological peculiaritys of organism including digestive system. Conclusions. By study macroevolution of animals the facts of paleontology gives a possibility to determine the stages of philogeneses of mammalias (cattle). One- sided selection on maximum productivity must take into acemunt the strength of organisms constitution.

Key words: macroevolutions processes, animal breeding, historical method.