Історія біології в датах та іменах – до 80-річного ювілею кафедри біології Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М.І. Пирогова

  • R. Piskun
  • N. Kolomiets
  • N. Lisaya
  • A. Vaschuk
  • T. Polesya


The Aim is to investigate the stages of the biology department development in higher medical institution of Ukraine in the aspects of the political system conception change. Methods. Searching and descriptive methods have been used which allowed to determine the basic steps in the history of the biology department in the chronological order. Results. The main directions of activity and names the department co-workers, contacts with other universities and research establishments of Ukraine and the Soviet Union have been determined. Conclusions. The history of the biology department reflects the history of biology science in our country in dates and names.

Key words: history, biology department,Vinnitsa national M. Pirogov medical university.