Do not forget the name of V.P. Efroimson (1908–1989)

  • E. N. Etkalo


In 2018, 110 years have passed since the birth of Vladimir Pavlovich Efroimson (1908–1989). Efroimson studied at the biological department of Moscow University, in 1929 was expelled for the support of S.S. Chetveryakov. In December 1932 he was arrested. Since 1935 works in the Central Asian Institute of Sericulture, but in August 1937 he was dismissed from the Institute for his performance in defense of "Mendelism-Morganism". In the same year he was declared an enemy of the people, and he leaves for Ukraine. During this period he wrote a book on "Genetics and breeding of the silkworm". In May 1941, Efroimson defended his Ph.D. thesis at Kharkov University and went to the front. Rewarded by the Red Star and Patriotic War II degree. After the war, Efroimson returned to Kharkov University as an assistant professor of the Department of Darwinism and Genetics. In 1947 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the problems of evolutionary genetics and breeding of the silkworm. In 1951 he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. After rehabilitation he returns to Moscow and works as a bibliographer. In 1967, he received the title of professor and worked in the Institute of Psychiatry. He published a number of monographs, among them "Genetics of Oligophrenia, Psychoses and Epilepsy". His well-known books on medical genetics, anthropogenetics, gene determination of intelligence and behavior: "Genius and Genetics", "Genetics of Ethics and Aesthetics", "Pedagogical Genetics".

Keywords: genetics, history of science, V.P. Efroimson.


Keshman E.A. "I’m for people. And not people for me". To the centenary of V.P. Efroimson. Vestnik VOGiS. 2008. Vol. 12, No. 3.

Golubovsky M. Genius and Genetics. Herald. 1999. No. 6 (213).

Telekanal Culture "Islands" V.P. Efroimson

Panov A. "From the silkworm to the genius". On the fate of V.P. Efroimson. 2012 p.

Keshman E.A. Interview with Vladimir Pavlovich Efroimson. Ogonek, No. 11, March 1989 (October 1988).

Efroimson B.P. Genius and genetics. Moscow: Russian World, 1998. 544 p.

Efroimson B.P. Genetics of ethics and aesthetics. SPb.: Talisman, 1995. 288 p.

Efroimson B.P. Pedagogical genetics. Moscow: Taydeks Co., 2003. 240 p.

Efroimson B.P. Genetics of genius. Moscow: Taidex Co., 2002. 376 p.

Efroimson B.P. Introduction to medical genetics. M.: Medicine, 1964 (1st ed.), 1968 (2 nd ed., Corrected and additional).

Cheško V.F., Glazko V.I. Ch59 HighHume (bioway and biopolitics in a risk society). Tutorial. Moscow, 2009. 319 p.

Atramentova L.A., Filippsova O.V. Introduction to Psychogenetics. Moscow: Flint: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2004. 472 p.

Atramentova L.A., Luchko E.N. Aggressiveness and empathy as factors of genetic differentiation of the urban population. Genetics. 2016. Vol. 52, No. 6. P. 705–712.

Philiptsova O.V. Populations-genetic analysis of the behavioral mark: the experience of studying the population of Ukraine: dissertation abstract of Dr. of Biol. Sc. K., 2009. 34 p.

Luchko K.M. Agresivnist and empathy yak factor of the genetic diversity of the population: dissertation abstract of Cand. of Biol. Sc. K., 2016. 20 p.