Variability of superoxide dismutase isoenzymes in varieties and introgressive lines of wheat differing in drought resistance

  • P. S. Tykhonov Plant Breeding & Genetics Institute-National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine, 65036, Odesa, Ovidiopolskaya doroga, 3; Odesa State Agrarian University, Ukraine, 65039, Odesa, Kanatna str., 99
  • О. О. Моlоdchеnкоvа Plant Breeding&Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine, 65036, Odessa, Ovidiopolskaya road, 3
  • I. I. Motsniy Plant Breeding&Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine, 65036, Odessa, Ovidiopolskaya road, 3
  • T. V. Каrtuzova Plant Breeding&Genetics Institute – National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation, Ukraine, 65036, Odessa, Ovidiopolskaya road, 3
Keywords: isoenzymes of SOD, introgressive lines of wheat


Aim. To study the variability of the component composition of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoenzymes under the influence of hyperthermia and water deficit in introgressive lines of wheat with different drought resistance. Methods. The activity of SOD isoforms was determined using native electrophoresis in an acidic medium in a polyacrylamide gel. Results. Under the impact of stress factors (elevated temperature, water deficit and their combined effects), a redistribution of the relative content of individual SOD isoforms was observed in wheat seedlings of drought-resistant and drought-susceptible genotypes compared to growing under favorable conditions. The most significant decrease occurred due to the joint action of water deficit and increased temperature. Under these conditions, enzyme isoforms of medium electrophoretic mobility practically disappeared. Conclusions. The presence of low-mobility isoforms of SOD in wheat seedlings under the impact of stress factors (elevated temperature and water deficit) can serve as an indicator of drought resistance of wheat plants.


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