Effectiveness of the use of chickpea collection samples in breeding

Keywords: chickpea, starting material, breeding, variety, collection sample


Aim. To determine the breeding value the large number of collection chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties obtained from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (India, Patancheru, ICRISAT) and the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources of Ukraine (Kharkiv) was evaluated in 1995-2022 under the conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Standard field and laboratory methods (phenological observations, hybridization, structural analysis, biochemical analysis of protein content in seeds according to the Kjeldahl method), statistical analysis. Results. Donors and sources of such economically valuable features as early maturity, increased productivity, protein content in seeds, large-seeded, resistance against pathogens on an artificially created infectious background were identified. The set of 12 varieties of chickpea were developed by artificial hybridization, which are recommended for cultivation in all zones of Ukraine. Conclusions.The characteristics of the created varieties are given, the most valuable collection genotypes for use in crossing programs are recommended.


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