Problems and effectiveness of breeding of winter wheat varieties with increased environmental stability

Keywords: winter wheat, variety, adaptability, yielding capacity


Aim. The search of adaptive response peculiarities to adverse environmental factors is an important condition of development of varietal technologies and control of adaptive potential of winter wheat varieties. Methods. The studies were carried out in accordance with the field test methodology. The wheat varieties of different types of growing, different genetic and ecological origins were studied. Results. The alternative variety Clarisa and the new universal varieties of winter wheat Perlyna, Askaniyska, Askaniyska Bereginya were characterized by the highest yield at different times of spring vegetation recovery. Thus, on average over the years of research, they exceeded the standard variety of Kherson Bezosta by 0.51–1.27 t/ha in terms of yield, and under unfavorable conditions of the late recovery of spring vegetation, their advantage was at the level of 0.58–1.34 t/ha. Conclusions. For stable production of high-yielding winter soft wheat grain, use new varieties of the universal type Askaniyska, Askaniyska Bereginya, Perlyna and alternative types Clarissa, Solomia for different agrophones for late sowing periods according to different predecessors.


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