Vasil Yakovych Yuriev: Life and scientific heritage (on the 150th anniversary of his birth)

Keywords: geneticist, breeder, Kharkiv Breeding Station, Ukrainian Research Institute of Plant Breeding, Selection, and Genetics, Yuriev Plant Production Institute of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


The article discusses the main stages of life and scientific activities of the renowned and respected academician-breeder Vasyl Yakovych Yuriev. His name is inextricably linked with the activities of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Plant Breeding, Selection, and Genetics (now Yuriev Plant Production Institute of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine). It is shown that in his scientific work, Vasyl Yakovych paid special attention to the collection of initial material, the selection of parental forms for crossing, developed methods for testing hybrids and varieties at different stages of the selection process, and demonstrated the advantages of the method of selecting pure lines from local wheat populations compared to the ineffective method of mass selection. Based on this method, under his leadership, many high-yielding valuable varieties of winter and spring wheat, rye, millet, barley, and corn were developed. To study the patterns of inheritance of important valuable traits in wheat, V. Ya. Yuriev used intervarietal and interspecies crosses of the diallel type. Many studies have been conducted in the field of breeding varieties for disease and pest resistance and immunity. In recognition of his scientific achievements, the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine established the Vasyl Yakovych Yuriev Prize, which is awarded for the highest achievements in the field of selection and genetics.


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