Seed germination of Cannabis sativa L. under artificially simulated salt stress in vitro culture

  • S. V. Mishchenko Oleksandr DovzhenkjYlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 41400, Sumska obl., Hlukhiv, Kyivska str., 24; Institute of Bast Crops of the Natl. Acad. Agr. Sci. of Ukraine, Ukraine, 41400, Sumska obl., Hlukhiv, Tereshchenkiv str., 45
Keywords: hemp, salt stress, in vitro, seed germination


Aim. The response of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) to artificially simulated salt stress in vitro culture was the aim of our research. Methods. The seeds of the Hlyana variety were cultivated under conditions of salt stress, which was artificially simulated by adding a certain salt to the Murashige & Skoog nutrient medium in accordance with the main types of soil salinity: chloride, sulfate, and carbonate salinity. Results. Hemp clearly responded to an increase in the concentration of salts in the nutrient medium, in particular, a decrease in seed germination was observed. The most suitable for cultivation is the nutrient medium with sulfates, and the least – with carbonates (at relatively low concentrations). Conclusions. Test systems (including the concentrations of the studied salts) were developed and tested for salt stress screening. The test systems were selective in their selection. Selective concentrations of salts in the environment are determined as follows: chlorides – 0.25 NaCl, 0.75 % MgCl2 · 6 H2O; sulfates – 0.5 MgSO4 · 7 H2O, 1.0 % Na2SO4; carbonates – 0.15 Na2CO3, 0.30 % NaHCO3. The following straight-line regression equations have been constructed, allowing the use of model data to predict seed germination in practical agriculture, depending on the amount of increase / decrease in salt concentration in the soil.


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