Prospects of using the recultivator composition Trevitan™ for obtaining and growing a collection of plants in vitro

  • Kh. M. Kolisnyk Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 46001, Ternopil, M. Kryvonosa str., 2
  • L. R. Hrytsak Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 46001, Ternopil, M. Kryvonosa str., 2
  • M. Z. Prokopiak Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 46001, Ternopil, M. Kryvonosa str., 2
  • D. A. Boiko Lviv National Environmental University, Ukraine, 80831, Lviv oblast, Dublyany, Volodymyra Velykoho, 1
  • N. M. Drobyk Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, 46001, Ternopil, M. Kryvonosa str., 2
Keywords: Carlina L., Gentiana L., plants in vitro, growth processes, composite recultivant


Aim. To evaluate the effect of the composite recultivant preparation "TrevitanTM" on the germination of seeds of Carlina cirsioides Klok., Carlina onopordifolia Bess. ex Szaf., Kulcz. et Pawl., Carlina acaulis L., Gentiana verna L. and Gentiana lutea L. with extended shelf life and on the growth parameters of plants of these species in vitro cultures. Methods. In vitro cultivation methods, biometric methods. Results. It is shown that the effectiveness of the recultivant composition "TrevitanTM" on seed germination and plant growth in vitro depends on their species. The use of this drug stimulated the germination of G. lutea seeds with a 5-year extension of its germination period. However, it did not significantly affect the germination and germination energy of freshly collected seeds and seeds with a long period of preservation of germination of species of the genus Carlina. In combination with auxin (3-indoleacetic acid), the composite recultivant "TrevitanTM" inhibited the growth and development of the root system in plants of the species G. verna, C. acaulis and C. cirsioides, but stimulated it in C. onopordifolia. The introduction of this drug into the MC/2 nutrient medium without the use of other growth regulators stimulated the growth of internodes in vitro in plants of the mountain species G. verna, and in another mountain species – C. acaulis – it accelerated the development of new leaves and their growth in length. Conclusions. The obtained results indicate the need for further research on the effect of the composite recultivant "TrevitanTM" with the involvement of a wider species diversity of plants.


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