Cereal barcoding by assessing intron length polymorphism of γ-tubulin genes

Keywords: wheat, aegilops, barley, DNA barcoding, γ-tubulin


Aim. The aim of the study was to obtain typical DNA profiles for common cereal plants using a method of assessing γ-tubulin intron length polymorphism and to evaluate the possibility of using this gene for plant species barcoding. Methods. Cereals, in particular wheat, aegilops, barley, and rice, have been studied. The method of γ-tubulin intron length polymorphism assessment was used. Amplified DNA fragments were separated via polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturating conditions and were visualized via silver nitrate staining. Results. The analyzed cereal species-specific DNA profiles of amplicons of the γ-tubulin gene introns were obtained, which made it possible to differentiate the species. Fingerprinting data was used for cluster analysis and dendrogram construction. Conclusions. The feasibility of using the proposed cereal barcoding method has been established. The studied plant DNA profiles can be effectively used in assessing the quality of food products such as flour.


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