Comparative analysis of Brassica carinata and fungal industrial lipases used for biodiesel production

Keywords: abyssinian mustard, oilseed crops, Brassica carinata, biodiesel, lipase, transesterification, genome-wide analysis


Aim. To identify the genes of endogenous TAG-lipases in the genome of Abyssinian mustard, or carinata (Brassica carinata), and to analyze the similarity of their amino acid sequences with the industrial lipases of fungal origin. Methods. Genome-wide search for B. carinata TAG-lipase sequences was conducted out, annotation of the identified genes, alignment of their sequences, phylogenetic analysis was performed, as well as identification of conserved sequence motifs and functional domains of these proteins was done. Results. 13 TAG-lipase genes were identified in the genome of Abyssinian mustard, and their phylogenetic relations with camelina and fungal lipases was reconstructed. The domain structure of carinata TAG-lipases was analyzed, and the level of sequence divergence of their functional regions was also revealed. Conclusions. Fungal lipases were identified, which are most similar in terms of domain organization to the identified TAG-lipases of B. carinata, and therefore could potentially be used to increase the efficiency of transesterification of carinata oil.


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