Polymorphism of high-molecular-weight glutenin loci in Ukrainian wheat landraces Triticum aestivum L.

  • T. O. Sobko
  • G.M. Lisova
  • О.M. Blagodarova


Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate allelic variability of high-molecular-weight glutenin loci Glu-A1, Glu-B1, Glu-D1 in Ukrainian winter wheat landraces and obsolete cultivars Triticum aestivum L. Methods. Allelic diversity at the Glu-1 loci were analyzed in 54 collection accessions, including 41 landraces (Krymka, Banatka, Girka, Theyka and others), and 13 first breeding cultivars that were developed in the beginning of the last century by selection from local wheat. Method of SDS-PAG electrophoresis according to Laemmli was used for fractionation of HMW glutenin subunits. Results. A total 11 alleles at the Glu-1 loci were identified, including 3 alleles at the Glu-A1 (а, b, с) and
Glu-D1 (a, b, d) loci, and 5 – at the Glu- B1 (c, u, an, aj and subunit 9). Differences in frequencies of glutenin alleles were revealed. Conclusions. In the gene pool of Ukrainian winter bread wheat landraces the most widespread alleles were Glu-A(43.3 %), Glu-A1b (40.5 %), Glu-B(58 %), Glu-B1u (23 %), Glu-D1d (48.6 %), Glu-D (47.2 %). All these alleles (except of the Glu-D1a) are also predominant in the gene pool of modern commercial Ukrainian cultivars. A distinctive feature of Ukrainian landraces are the rare allelic variants of the Glu-B1 locus, which encode the subunits 1Ву9 and 1Ву8 (алель Glu-B1aj).

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., winter wheat, landraces, high-molecular-weight glutenin, alleles.


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