New generation synthetic variety of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.)

  • V. D. Buhaiov
  • V.M. Horenskyy
  • V.S. Mamalyga
  • I.V. Smulskaya


Aim. Evaluation of the source material on a set of economically valuable features and the creation with its participation of a synthetic variety of alfalfa. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. The results of research and creation of a synthetic variety of sown alfalfa Rodena at the Institute of Forage and Agriculture of Podillya NAAS are presented. Entered into the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine (hereinafter - the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine). When evaluating the forage and seed productivity in the experimental fields of the institute, the advantage of the Roden variety to the Sinyukha standard variety was established. Extensive testing of the variety's suitability for propagation (PSP) in 9 research points by the Ukrainian Institute of Plant Variety Examination confirmed higher indicators of fodder and seed productivity of this variety in comparison with the conditional standard. Conclusions. The use of clonal genotypes, which, along with a set of economically valuable traits are distinguished by high overall combining ability, allows you to effectively create high-yielding varieties of synthetic alfalfa. Created in this way, the synthetic variety of alfalfa Rodena is recommended for use in pure and mixed crops with other perennial grasses for the production of high quality feed in the soil-climatic zone of the Steppe of Ukraine.

Keywords: selection, alfalfa sowing, clone, synthetic variety, winter hardiness, dry matter, seeds.


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