Assessment of environmental threats to the park’s forest ecosystems

  • N. V. Miroshnyk
  • O. V. Tertychna
  • I. K. Teslenko


Aim. The aim is to assess the environmental threats to Park forest ecosystems and to study the possible links and the long-term consequences of their actions. Methods. Methods use of comparative analysis, classification, ranking of impacts, mathematical processing of data. Results. The main threats to Park forest ecosystems are formulated and evaluated. Deepened some of the methodological effects on criteria for assessment of threats. The classes of danger are defined, the General danger index of threats and correlation communications between groups and criteria of their assessment is calculated. The factors that have the most negative impact on the biodiversity of parks. Conclusions. In the conditions of urban ecosystems there is a strengthening and lengthening of the action of some threats and leveling of other types of impacts. The characteristics of the intensity of action, the time factor and the spatial spread of threats do not have a clear synchronization. The overall hazard index showed the dominance of the intensity and time of the impact of specific threats to the urban ecosystem.

Keywords: anthropogenic impact, General hazard index, urban ecosystem, biodiversity.


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