Didactic possibilities of scientific and educational LabXchange online platforms for genetics learning in the pedagogical ZVO

Keywords: distance learning, educational and scientific online platform, LabXchange, genetics, higher education


Aim. Highlight the possibilities of the scientific and educational platform LabXchange for distance learning of genetics for students of higher education in the specialties 014 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health) and 091 Biology. Methods. Content analysis, survey, generalization. Results. LabXchange, an online educational platform created by scientists, provides users with free access to high-quality scientific education through a variety of online tools. LabXchange's Comprehensive General Genetics Curriculum for Higher Education Students includes content types that transform standard science material into engaging interactive visualizations that promote better understanding of complex concepts, provide the opportunity to conduct genetic experiments in virtual laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment, help personalize the learning process, making it interesting and accessible opens up new opportunities for developing critical thinking skills, creativity and independence. Conclusions. The LabXchange online scientific and educational platform is an innovative resource for the study of genetics for students of higher education, as it performs important didactic functions. The experience of its use by students of a pedagogical university is useful for the formation of their professional competences.


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