Research of protein complex of F3 hybrids chickpea seed

  • O. O. Molodchenkova
  • G. D. Lavrova
  • T. V. Kartuzova
  • L. Ya. Bezkrovna
  • O. B. Lykhota
  • O. V. Ryshchakova
  • Yu. A. Levitsky


Aim. The aim of the study was to investigate the peculiarities of the protein complex of seeds of F3 hybrid populations and their parental forms of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) of Ukrainian and foreign breeding. Меthods. Research methods are  standard methodologies of  plant biochemical analysis  and methods developed  in the laboratory (Kjeldahl method, spectrophotometric methods, protein electrophoresis). Results. The peculiarities of protein content, basic fractions of globulins – legumin and vicilin, activity of trypsin inhibitor, lectins, lipoxygenase in the seeds of F3 hybrid populations and their parent forms of chickpea have been established. It was shown using electrophoretic and densitometric analyses that F3 hybrid populations of chickpea  were non identifical  in level and character of  globulin component composition variability.  The clear differences are observed both in the intensity of the staining and the displacement of  protein components of legumin and vicilin which are identical in mobility,  presence and absence of components that are typical for  particular hybrid combination. Conclusions. Obtained results can be used to selection of chickpea genotypes of food direction.

Keywords: сhickpea, protein,  vicilin, legumin, trypsin inhibitor.


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