The formation of muscle tissue and its quality in wild and domestic pigs
Aim. The aim of the study is to determine the peculiarities of muscular system formation of wild European wild boar body (Sus scrofa ferus) in comparison with modern basic breeds of pigs: large white, large black and north Caucasian, which have both theoretical and practical value. Methods. Objects of research – piglets and adult animals of European wild boar and domestic animals. Our task is to study age-related changes of growth and development of individual muscle groups in piglets of large white breed and Sus scrofa ferus piglets at 50-70 days of age, as well as to research the physicochemical properties of muscle tissue due to domestication of pigs. Results. Domestication of pig is a complex process. European wild boar has been the genetic base of breed formation process in Europe over the past 10-12 thousand years. The main role in this process belongs to such genetic mechanisms as mutation, recombination, heredity, variability and selection. Studies have established that one of domestication regularities of muscular system in animals is the result of artificial selection at each stage of animal ontogenesis. Conclusions. Exterior-constitutional changes in the proportions of pig skeleton have occurred in the process of pigs domestication and selection, at a ratio of mass of individual muscle groups. It was found that during domestication and selection of pigs, the proportion of muscles of pelvic limb and sacral spine increases, the quality of meat changes.
Keywords: domestication, species, ontogeny, breed, genotype.
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