140 years from the academic V.Ya. Yuriev birthday. Pages of biography in special historical disciplines
Aim. To study and introduce into scientific circulation the material historical sources that are studied by special historical disciplines and relate to the biography of Academician V. Ya. Yuriev. Methods. The paper used both general scientific (historical, logical) and special (subject-chronological, retrospective) methods. Results. One of the reasons for the choice by V. Ya. Yuriev the future specialty, history and authority of the educational institutions in which Yuriev studied have been analyzed. The role of the Kharkiv Society of Agriculture and Agricultural Industry in the development of agricultural science, organization of the Kharkiv breeding station has been highlighted. Briefly analyzed scientific and pedagogical activity of V. Ya. Yuriev. Conclusions. The analysis of material historical sources, objects of faleristics, numismatics (including medallic art), philately of the Russian Empire, USSR, Poland and Ukraine allowed us to find new colors to tell about some of the biography facts of Academician V. Ya. Yuriev
Keywords: V. Ya. Yuriev, history of biology, faleristics, numismatics, philately.
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