Productivity of sugar beet sterility maintainers on selective agricultural backgrounds with regulated abiotic factors
Aim. To determine the variability productivity components of the sterility maintainers against the selective agricultural background; to differentiate the lines according to the environmental parameters of plasticity and stability; to select the best lines for obtaining highly adaptive heterotic hybrids. Methods. Breeding material testing against agricultural backgrounds with different combinations of controlled abiotic factors and the method of Eberhard-Russell. Results. The average yield increased by 0.4 t/ha on LGS+NNB and by 1.1 t/ha on LGS+RNB. LGS+RNB reduced sugar content in roots. The highest sugar content values were recorded in O-type 1 line on LGS+NNB (18.6%) and in the O-type 2 line on NGS+NNB (19.4%). O-type lines were differentiated according to the response to the change of abiotic factors. Conclusions. O-type lines are characterized by a specific response to the controlled abiotic factors. O-type 4 and O-type 6 lines can be attributed to intensive type. O-type 3 and O-type 5 lines are considered stable for both signs. O-type 1 and O-type 2 lines showed relative stability by yield and an intensive response to the variability of the medium by sugar content.
Keywords: sterility maintainers, yield, sugar content, genotype effect, the coefficient of plasticity.
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