Possible replacement of cytokinins and auxins in culture in vitro

  • T. M. Oliynik
  • R. B. Kovbasenko
  • A. P. Dmitriev
  • P. G. Dulniev


Aim. To perform an analysis of the effectiveness of our proposed modification of the classical MS medium in which auxin and cytokinin are replaced by derivatives of the class of tetrahydrothio-fendioxide and pyridine. Methods. In this study, the work with cell culture in vitro, in particular aseptic sprouting of seeds, microclonal reproduction, callusogenesis and initiation of various types of morphogenesis was carried out according to known techniques. Two varieties of potatoes (Slovyanka, Lugovskaya) and two varieties of tomato (Lagidny, Bobrytsky) were used to induce somaclonal variability. Results. The ability of preparations of tetrahydrothiophenedioxide and pyridine derivatives to perform the function of auxins and cytokinins in the MS medium in the callusogenesis of Solanacea cultures in vitro was established. Conclusions. It has been shown that with the use of the new generation drug (tetrahydrothiophenedioxide-pyridine), as a substitute for auxin and cytokinin in the MS medium, the growth of callus tissue is even increased. The production of the pilot batch of this substitute proved to be much cheaper than synthesis or the purchase of phytohormones.

Keywords: modification of MS medium, phytohormones substitute, tetrahydro-thiophenedioxide-pyridine, potato, tomato.


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