Productivity of winter wheat plants under drought

  • O. I. Zhuk


Aim. The goal of research was to study the effects of soil drought on the productivity of winter wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.). Methods. Wheat plants of the cultivars of Zolotocolosa and Astarta were grown under optimal nutrition and moisture to the earing-flowering phase. After the beginning of it the experimental plants were transferred to drought conditions for 8 days, after that the optimal water supply was restored to the end of the vegetation. The yield structure was analyzed in mature plants. Results. It is established that the effect of drought in the critical phase of ontogenesis led to a decrease in plant height, ear size, mass and number of grains in it. At the same time, the number of grains in ears of plants decreased more significantly in the cultivar Zolotocolosa compared to the Astarta, especially in the tillers. The loss of grains mass from the ear was lower in cultivar Zolotocolosa than to the Astarta. Conclusions. Water deficit in the soil in the critical phase of ear-flowering led to a decrease in the productivity of wheat plants due to the inhibition of growth, the laying and the formation elements of the ear and grains, that depended on the specificity of the cultivar.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., stem, ear, productivity, drought.


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