The analysis of human MGMT gene orthologous in protists

  • O. V. Pidpala
  • L. L. Lukash


Aim. The intron sequences of orthologous О6-methylguanin-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) genes in Protists on the early stages of their formation in eukaryotic organisms have been analysed. Methods. Homologous regions have been defined by the program BLASTN 2.6.1. Nucleotide sequences of the bacterial and mitochondrial group II introns have been taken from Database for Bacterial Group II Introns. Searching and identifying the MGEs have been realized by using CENSOR. Results. It has been shown that the evolution of the gene does not always coincide with the evolution of the organism. This is shown on the example of intron loss and gain in social amoebae Dictyostelium. Also it has been found the fragmentary nature of homology between various introns and exons of the orthologous genes. Conclusions. The obtained results allow offer a suggestion about the endogenous mosaic character of the evolutional formation of the gene structural units.

Keywords: О6-methylguanin-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene orthologous, Protists, gene evolution, spliceosomal introns, intron loss and gain.


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