Awn promoter genes in genomes of Triticinae
Aims. Identification of Triticinae group of homoeologous chromosomes in which awn promoter is localized in Aegilops species. Determination of genetic control of awns development in wheat-goatgrass introgressive lines. Methods. Visual assessment, study of chromosome configurations at meiosis M1 in PMCs, protein electrophoresis in PAGE, PCR with primers to chromosome-specific SSR loci, statistical methods. Results. Association between electrophoretic spectra components controlled by 6 group chromosomes and awn development gradations has been determined. Awn promoter awnP has been localized in the homoeologous chromosomes group 6 in goatgrass. Hybridological analysis has shown semi-epistatic nature of B1 gene as to awnP and bn genes. Awned lines have deletion or mutation of В1 gene. Conclusions. Gene-promoter awnP is localized in Ssh, S, U chromosomes of tree Aegilops species, and this gene hypostatic to dominant inhibitor of awn development B1. Gene bn in 6D chromosome is also hypostatic to В1 gene.
Key words: Awn development, SSR-loci, Triticinae, goatgrass.