Выраженность агрессивности и эмпатии не связана со степенью метисации жителей украинского города

  • Е. Н. Лучко
  • Л. А. Атраментова


Aims. Modern megacities characterized by a high degree cross-breeding population. There are only a few information about the effect of cross-breeding on the behavioral traits in the world data bank. Understanding that there is a genetic component in the level of aggression and empathy aims the research to detailed study of those personal characteristics. Methods. 637 men and 856 women (Kharkov citizens) aged 45-65 took part in the research. Assinger’s questionary was used for the study of aggression and Magrabyan-Apstein’s questionary was used for the study of empathy. All the participants gave their informed agreement on questionnaire providing their privacy. Results. The research has shown that the level of cross-breeding of inhabitants of modern Ukrainian city both men and women is not associated with indicators of aggression and empathy. Conclusions. The level of cross-breeding of inhabitants of modern Ukrainian city is not associated with indicators of aggression and empathy.

Keywords: empathy, aggression, cross-breeding.