Reconstructing of the geometry of Atg13 and Atg101 molecules while assembling the complex

Keywords: A. thaliana, ATG (AuTophaGy-related), Protein-protein docking, ATG101, ATG13


Aim. Associated subproteins which constitute the ATG1 multi-protein complex in plants and mammals, including ULK1 in humans, are orchestral protein kinase atg-units in resistance to stress stimuli across their different nature. The goals of this endeavour were to characterize the molecular nature of the interaction of ATG13 with ATG101, followed by in silico docking to catch the plausible ensuing integration into a multimeric complex ULK1/ATG1, which initiates the assembly of a PAS-preautophagosomal structure in the first step of autophagy initiation. Methods. Protein structures were modeled by homology using AlphaFold, and molecular dynamics (MD) was performed using GROMACS 5.0 with the Charmm36. Results. By implementing computer modeling methods, a complex of protein kinase atg-units for both ATG13 and ATG101 proteins, reflecting the interaction interface and conformational properties, was constructed for detailed interpretation while forming the forthcoming assembly of the ULK1/ATG1 multi-protein platform. Conclusions. This study provides a high-quality model platform for further sequential studies of protein-protein docking and protein-protein interactions with the possibility of reconstructing a model of the full ULK1/ATG1 complex to identify ATG8 binding sites.


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