Studying the composition and anti-radiation properties of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) in wheat seeds

  • E. N. Shamılov Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ1143, Baku, B. Vahabzadeh, 9
  • A. S. Abdullayev Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ1143, Baku, B. Vahabzadeh, 9
  • V. E. Shamilli Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ1143, Baku, B. Vahabzadeh, 9
  • I. V. Azizov Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ1073, Baku, Pr. Matbuat, 2A
Keywords: gamma radiation, malondialdehyde, photosynthetic pigments, growth and development, Salvia officinalis L.


Aim. The purpose of the research was to study the chemical composition, develop methods for obtaining an extract from the leaves of Salvia officinalis L. and study their anti-radiation properties of irradiated wheat seeds of the Guneshli variety. Methods. Using qualitative reactions and chromatography, the content of lipids, essential oils, diterpene acids, phenolic compounds, macro- and microelements in plants was determined. Wheat seeds were irradiated using a URI installation (K-25) at a dose rate of 13.4 rad/sec, at a dose of 200 Gy. The amount of chlorophyll pigments, carotenoids, and malondialdehyde was measured using a spectrophotometer. Chlorophyll fluorescence in leaves was determined using a MINI-PAM device. Results. According to the results of morphological and physiological-biochemical parameters of seedlings, 0.01 % and 0.001 % Salvia officinalis extract has a positive effect on growth and development, increases the maximum quantum yield of PS II and reduces the yield of lipid peroxidation product. Conclusions. It has been established that Salvia officinalis extract has a radioprotective effect and can be used as a radioprotector for some agricultural plants.


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