Sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) damage in different hybrids of Helianthus annuus

Keywords: Orobanche sumana Wallr., race, sunflower, hybrid, root system


Aim. To study the racial composition of broomrape in sunflower crops in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe and Polissya of Ukraine. Methods. Sunflower hybrids were evaluated for resistance to broomrape in soil culture using a modified method and the roll method of seed germination. Results. The results of the study revealed a different reaction of sunflower hybrids to the parasite. Sunflower hybrids Arizona, Transol, Bosphorus, resistant to race F, were moderately affected by broomrape. On average, there were 5 to 6 nodules of the parasite per sunflower plant. Sunflower hybrids Estrada, Kupava, Kadiks, Laskala, resistant to race G, were affected to a weak extent by broomrape. On average, there were 2-3 nodules of the parasite per sunflower plant. No sunflower hybrids with complete immunity to broomrape were found. Based on the research, the reasons for the widespread spread of broomrape in the fields in the central, northern and western regions of the country were identified. Conclusions. The emergence of new very aggressive races of broomrape (E, F and G) indicates an important need to solve the problem of creating breeding material resistant to new races of this parasitic plant. The intensive accumulation of the parasite races E, F and G in sunflower crops is associated with the violation of crop rotations and saturation of fields with hybrids of this crop, which are mainly resistant to races 5 (E) and 6 (F) of the parasite.


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