Breeding peculiarities of the manifestation of hemp fiberness signs

Keywords: Cannabis sativa L., breeding, variety, yield, fibrousness


Aim. To establish the genetic features of the manifestation of signs of fibrousness and yield of stems, depending on growing conditions and harvesting periods. Methods. New methods were applied: "Method of evaluation of hemp plants for the presence of cannabinoids", "Method of evaluation of individual plants of monoecious hemp varieties by fiber content at the beginning of flowering", "Method of creation of hybrid breeding material of monoecious hemp". Results. It was established that the main conditions for obtaining the maximum amount of fiber and its quality indicators are the use of the late-ripening variety Hlukhivski 51, sowing with a feeding area of 15x5 cm, the diameter of the stems 6-8 mm, the sowing rate of 75 kg/ha (4.2 million pcs./ha) against the background of increased fertilization. Conclusions. The genetic features of the Hlukhivski 51 variety are high fibrousness and high yield of the stems, which are maximally manifested by observing the conditions of the feeding area of 15x5 cm, the sowing rate of 75 kg/ha (4.2 million pieces/ha) and the increased background of fertilization (N120P90K90). Expansion of the response of genotypes of late-ripening varieties to the level of dry biomass yield of 20 t/ha occurs with a feeding area of 50x5 and 50x10 cm and increased doses of N150P120K120 fertilizers. This can become the basis for the use of hemp for bioenergy purposes. When growing production crops for fiber in order to speed up harvesting, an important factor is the start of harvesting at an earlier time, and therefore we recommend growing two varieties of hemp: early-ripening (technical maturity occurs 2 weeks earlier than late-ripening varieties) and late-ripening varieties of hemp.


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