A short historical essay on the development of biology

Keywords: history, biology


The aim is to study the developmental stages of the science all living things – biology in the aspect on the concept of changes ideas about carriers of life: from the simplest to the most complex organism. Search-bibliographic and historical method, which allowed for determining the main steps in the chronological development of biology. Biology as a science was formed over the centuries in the ancient history of mankind thanks to efforts and achievements of the most outstanding scientists of different countries of the world. Scholars divide the history of the development of biology into several periods: heuristic or empirical, morphological or descriptive, microscopic, physiological and genetic. Such periodization is quite conditional. Separate periods sometimes coincide in time. Scientific discoveries that underlie this periodization at the same time, resulting in the parallel accumulation or relevant knowledge. The article present scientists who studied the biology of microorganisms, plants, fungi, animals, humans at all levels of their structural organization. The article reflects the history of the development of biology as a science in dates and names.


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