Evaluating the effect of cupric sulphate on morphogenic structure induction and plant regeneration in spring barley anther culture in vitro

Keywords: Hordeum vulgare L., anther culture in vitro, nutrient medium, cupric sulphate, morphogenic anthers, plant regeneration


Aim. Investigation was aimed to ascertain possibility to increase the efficiency of spring barley haploid production in anther culture in vitro by addition of cupric sulphate to the solution for cut tiller cold pretreatment and by increase of cupric sulphate concentrations in the media for morphogenic structure induction and plant regeneration. Methods. Cut tillers were cold pretreated for 5 days at 4ºC in water and in the solutions contained 5 µM and 10 µM of cupric sulphate. Isolated anthers were cultivated on agar solidified nutrient medium containing N6 macro-and MS micronutrients, physiologically active substances, maltose (9.0 %) and on the media with increased (10 µM) content of cupric sulphate. Results. No effect of cupric sulphate addition on cut tiller viability and morphogenesis in anther culture in vitro was found. The lowest plant regeneration frequency was obtained when cupric sulphate was added both to inductive and regenerative media. Сonclusions. Addition of cupric sulphate to the pretreatment solution as well as increase of this microelement concentration (up to 10 µM) in the nutrient media can’t be considered as the methodological approach suitable to enhance the efficiency of spring barley haploid production in anther culture in vitro.


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