Soluble protein content in seedlings and calli of isogenic PPD genes of bread wheat lines

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., PPD gene system, soluble protein, seedlings, organ specificity, in vitro callus culture


Aim. To study the influence of the PPD gene system – photoperiodic insensitivity of common wheat on growth and synthetic activity and soluble protein content in seedlings and calli of different origin of isogenic wheat lines under in vivo and in vitro conditions. Methods. Seedlings and calli of near isogenic PPD lines of Triticum aestivum L. created in the genome of Myronivska 808 variety were used as plant material. Seedlings were analyzed for growth response and accumulation of easily soluble protein in axial organs. Primary calli were obtained using mature embryos, primary aseptic leaves, and apical root sections as explants. Morphophysiological characterization of calli was performed, proliferation frequency and soluble protein content were analyzed. Results. It was found that isolines Ppd 1 and Ppd 3, which exhibit photoperiodic neutrality, are characterized by maximum rates of linear growth, biomass accumulation and protein content in the early stages of ontogenetic development in vivo. Under in vitro culture conditions, isolines Ppd 2 and Variety were characterized by the highest rates of callus proliferation and the lowest soluble protein content, which leads to a reduced potential morphogenetic activity. Conclusions. The PPD gene system determines the growth response and synthetic activity of seedlings of isogenic lines under in vivo conditions and the processes of primary callus proliferation, synthesis and accumulation of soluble protein in them under in vitro conditions.


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