Analysis of the morpho-genetic features of the phylogenesis of the сlass Reptilia

Keywords: Reptilia, apomorphic, plesiomorphic, extinct herpetofauna


Aim. The aim of the study was to establish the species composition of the extinct herpetofauna of reptiles in the European continent, identify plesiomorphic, apomorphic characteristics, autapomorphies, and idioadaptations, as well as to analyze the patterns of morphogenesis of the class Reptilia. Methods. Used methods of literature analysis, mapping of places of discovery of dinosaurian paleontological remains in Europe, comparative, mathematical-statistical, and correlation analysis methods of metric measurements of the detected species. Results. It was established that in the extinct fauna of the class Reptilia of the European continent, with taxonomic richness (equal to 27); the species composition consisted of seven species. A correlation dependence between ontogenetic growth parameters of animals was revealed. In particular, in the pair of absolute (length - mass) and relative (growth per year) growth parameters, a strong functional relationship is traced, while the correlation between growth (L) and age parameters is medium, and between body mass (M) and animal age is weak. Conclusions. According to the hypothesis of additive typogenesis, it has been confirmed that new morphological structures (apomorphies) do not arise as a result of simultaneous changes in all organ systems but are the result of individual gradual mutations that arise within narrow limits, possibly in separate populations of reptiles.


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