Protective effect of zinc complex with hypoxanthine-9-riboside on wheat seedlings grown from gamma-irradiated seeds
Aim. The aim of the research was to obtain the zinc complex hypoxanthine-9-riboside and to study its effect during γ-irradiation on the biosynthesis of chlorophylls, carotenoids and on the release of chromosome aberrations in anaphase root hair cells in wheat seedlings. Methods. The zinc complex was obtained by direct interaction of zinc chloride – ZnCl2 with hypoxanthine-9-riboside. X-ray phase analysis and thermogravimetric measurements of the obtained complex were carried out. Before irradiation, seeds of durum wheat Triticum durum L. from a 60Co source were treated with a zinc complex with hypoxanthine-9-riboside at concentrations of 0.1; 0.01; 0.001%. Structural changes in chromosomes were determined in the initial and final stages of anaphase. Determination of chlorophylls and carotenoids was carried out according to Shlyk. Results. g-irradiation at doses of 50, 100 and 200 Gy has a significant effect on the content of green pigments and carotenoids in wheat seedlings. Under the action of g-irradiation, the content of chlorophyll decreases more than carotenoids. With an increase in the dose of radiation, a slight increase in the content of carotenoids is noted. In all variants, chromosomal abnormalities were found: the formation of fragments in metaphase and anaphase, bridges in anaphase, chromosome delays, uneven division of chromosomes. Conclusions. For the first time, it was found that the Zn (II) complex of hypoxanthine-9-riboside at the indicated concentrations significantly reduces the damaging effect of γ-irradiation, helps to eliminate abnormalities in mitotic division in wheat root hair cells.
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