Stabilization of soft wheat selection material which is the result of crossing with wild relatives

  • I. S. Zambriborshch Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute - National Center of Seedand Cultivar Investigations of NAAS of Ukraine
  • O. L. Shestopal Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute - National Center of Seedand Cultivar Investigations of NAAS of Ukraine
  • T. P. Nargan Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute - National Center of Seedand Cultivar Investigations of NAAS of Ukraine
  • M. S. Chekalova Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute - National Center of Seedand Cultivar Investigations of NAAS of Ukraine


Aim. Testing the haploproduction ability of 30 hybrids of winter soft wheat. Methods. In vitro culture of isolated anthers of wheat. The percentage of callus and regeneration of green plants for each genotype calculated as a percentage of the planted anthers. Results. The differences in the frequency of сallus induction and the ability to regenerate plants in the process of androgenesiss in vitro of winter soft wheat were detected. The microspores of 17 of 30 hybrids formed callus by in vitro anther culture were shown. The intensity of one process was different: more than half of the genotypes (18 pcs.) were characterized by a low percentage of callus (from 0.10 to 1.0%), 6 genotypes - medium (from 1.0 to 3.0%), and three - high (4.36%; 15.11% and 15.81%, respectively). Conclusions. Genotype-specific of microspores morphogenetic reactions of soft winter wheat in the process of androgenesis in vitro were revealed Samples P26 and P27 showed the highest level of callus formation. The 10 green regenerating plants were obtained.

Keywords: hybrids, soft winter wheat, anther culture in vitro, callus, regeneration.


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