Features of the formation of productivity signs of the yielding capacity in winter wheat varieties under different growing conditions

  • V. V. Bazalii
  • І. V. Boichuk
  • Ya. О. Lavrynenko
  • H. H. Bazalii
  • Ye. O. Domaratskyi
  • O. V. Larchenko


Aim. Further improvement and application of modern methods of wheat breeding of different types of development for adaptiveness caused by change in the character of manifestation of limiting environmental factors under conditions of the Southern Ukrainian Steppe. Methods. Field experiment, selection and genetic, calculation and comparison research methods were used. Wheat varieties of different genetic and ecological origin under different growing conditions were examined. Results. Analysis of the parameters of plasticity and stability of the elements of the yield structure in winter wheat varieties under different growing conditions revealed that their variability depends on both genotype and ecological gradients. For instance, by the weight of grain from ears only the varieties Kirena and Yaroslavna were distinguished by a high reaction to changes in growing conditions (bі= 1,215 – 1,635) among the analyzed genotypes, the other varieties Askaniiska, Askaniiska Berehynia, Znakhidka odeska and Klarisa manifested quite high plasticity (bі= 0,454 – 0,816). There was an analogous situation in the formation of the number of grains per ear. It is necessary to highlight an important biological feature of these varieties which formed the highest actual productivity under late sowing conditions and different sowing rates when compared to other varieties and realized its potentialities better. Conclusions.The research determined that every wheat variety of different development types should be considered in the aspect of its reaction to different growing conditions and to the capability of realizing genetic potential in a particular ecological region. The results of estimation of adaptiveness potential determined a high degree of homeostaticity in the winter wheat varieties Askaniiska, Askaniiska Berehynia, Perlyna and the variety of an alternative type Klarisa.

Keywords: winter wheat, varieties of alternative types, adaptiveness, plasticity, stability.


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