Genetic and physiological analysis T1 biotechnological plants of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

  • A. G. Komisarenko
  • S. I. Mykhalska
  • V. M. Kurchii
  • O. O. Khrystan


Aim. To investigate inheritance of transgenes in the first generation (T1) of winter wheat biotechnological plants (Triticum aestivum L.). Analyze the performance of T1 genetically modified plants with a double stranded RNA suppressor of the proline dehydrogenase (pdh) gene under normal growing conditions. Methods. PCR analysis, DNA electrophoresis; determination of indicators of the structure of the crop. Results. Molecular genetic analysis was performed and the performance indicators of control and T1 biotechnological plants were investigated. Conclusions. The first generation of genetically modified winter wheat plants resulting from Agrobacterium-mediated transformation in planta confirmed the inheritance of integrated genes. Among the transgenic variants identified plants that lack some fragments of the target gene required for partial suppression of the gene of proline dehydrogenase wheat. It is shown that at the optimal terms of growing biotechnological plants of wheat winter-annual of UК 322/17 and UК 209 h was characterized by the best indexes of structure of harvest as compared to an initial form, while the genetically changed plants of genotypes of UК 95/17 and UК 065 after the elements of the productivity did not differ from control plants.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., biotechnological plants, T-DNA, proline dehydrogenase gene, structural analysis indicators.


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