PLFA analysis of the microbial community structure at the points of the temporary localization of radioactive waste

  • Yu. V. Ruban
  • K. E. Shavanova
  • V. V. Illenko
  • K. D. Korepanova
  • D. O. Samofalova
  • S. B. Nikonov
  • N. F. Spyrka
  • N. G. Nesterova
  • O. Yu. Parenyuk


Aim. PTLRW are the trenches and bursts for the localization of radioactive waste that were created during the first priority measures for elimination of the Chornobyl accident. The aim of the presented work was to characterize the microbial community structure on PTLRW. Methods. To describe the influence of environmental factors on the soil microflora, the agrochemical parameters of soil (pH, carbon, nitrogen, mobile potassium and phosphorus) were evaluated. Dose loading was calculated using the ERICA tool software package. The total lipid fraction was extracted with a modified Bligh-Dyer method. Results. The pH of the soil ranged from 3.0 to 3.9. The carbon content ranged from 0.95% to 2.11%. The exception was Red Forest from the trench/outside the trench where the carbon content was 2.52 and 1.98% and with a pH 4.5. Nitrogen content ranged from 33.6 mg / kg to 74.2 mg / kg. The PLFA content ranged from 15 μg / g to 18.9 μg / g, except Novoshepelychi and Zalissia (33.3 μg / g and 23 μg / g). Conclusions. In terms of the structural composition of the microorganisms, the PTLRW points were more homogeneous compared to the contaminated radionuclide ecosystems. In natural ecosystems, gram-positive bacteria were the main dominant group, unlike PTLRW where there were several groups.

Keywords: PTLRW, microbial community structure, PLFA, biomarkers, ERICA tool.


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