Type of temperament as a factor of formation of marriage structure of a population
Aim. To clarify the role of temperament in the formation of the marriage structure of the urbanized population. Methods. The type of temperament was determined using the G. Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPI). Results. 267 couples were examined. The age of men is 35-57 years old, the age of women is 33-55 years old. The entire survey was Kharkov residents - ethnic Ukrainians and Russians. Among the studied marriages, 105 (almost 40%) were endogamous in relation to temperament, 162 (60%) were exogamous. The actual number of endogamous marriages was greater, and exogamous less than the theoretically expected number in panmixia. All endogamous marriages turned out to be positively assortative, the indicator of marital assortativeness for various types of temperament was 17-25%. Conclusions. In endogamous marriages, only the effect of “attraction” was observed. In exogamous marriages, both statistical “attraction” and “repulsion” of temperaments are noted. The effect of "attraction/ repulsion" manifests itself in different ways in reciprocal marriages.
Keywords: temperament, population, endogamy.
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