Pages of the life of M.V. Timofeev-Ressovsky in the material historical sources

  • Ya. B. Blume
  • Yu. V. Barshteyn


Aim. To investigate and to enter into scientific circulation material historical sources related to the biography of M.V. Timofeev-ResSovsky. Methods. The paper used both general scientific (historical, logical) and special (subject-chronological, retrospective) methods. Results and discussion. The role of Kyiv in shaping the future scientific vocation of M.V. Timofeev-Ressovsky, the work of a scientist in Germany and the reasons why he did not return to the USSR in the late 1930s, outlines the facts of Timofeev-Ressovsky life after the Second World War. The scientific activity of scientist has been briefly analyzed. Conclusions. The analysis of material historical sources made it possible to investigate and bring into scientific circulation the objects of phaleristics, numismatics (medallic art), philately and a rather rare object of collecting – telephone cards of the Russian Empire, the USSR, Russia, the former GDR and Germany, to tell about some pages of the biography of M.V. Timofeev-Ressovsky.

Keywords: M.V. Timofeev-Ressovsky, history of biology, phaleristics, numismatics, philately, telephone card.


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