Analysis of efficiency of development of swine embryos outside the organism with use of nanobiomaterial

  • A. B. Zyuzyun
  • O. V. Shcherbak
  • S. I. Kovtun
  • A. O. Sverhunov
  • H. O. Sverhunova


Aim. To study the effect of nanobiomaterial, synthesized on the basis of ultrafine silica modified by the sucrose (UFS/sucrose) on the effectiveness of meiotic maturation of swine oocytes and their subsequent embryonic development outside the organism. Methods. The oocyte-cumulus complexes (OCC) of pigs were divided into four groups: three experimental groups, in which cultivation was carried out in a medium containing 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001% UFS/sucrose and control group - without the addition of nanobiomaterial. Results. It has been established that the addition of 0.001% UFS/sucrose is the most effective for increasing the level of maturation, it provides 80.9% oocytes that have reached the stage of metaphase II meiosis. For the purpose of studying completeness of in vitro maturation of swine oocytes, they were fertilized by cryopreserved ejaculated spermatozoa. It was found, that in experimental groups with 0.1 and 0.01% UFS/sucrose concentration zygotes were formed outside the organism by 8.3% and 5.4% less than in the control group (11.3% ± 6.3), respectively. Higher by 12.2% level of embryo cleavage was observed in the group that matured with 0.001% UFS/sucrose, compared with control, and this figure was 23.5%. Conclusions. It was shown that the use of UFS/sucrose in the system of embryogenetic research contributes to the purposeful stimulation of biological processes in the oocytes. It has been proved that the addition of UFS/sucrose at a concentration of 0.001% to the medium composition for cultivation of OCC positively affects the maturation efficiency of swine oocytes and provides a higher level of embryo cleavage outside the organism (23.5%).

Keywords: oocytes, in vitro cultivation, embryos, nanobiomaterial, ultrafine silica, sucrose.


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