Change in the content of cannabinoid substances in Cannabis sativa L. inzucht-generations in the plus and minus selections

  • A. S. Polyakova
  • D. B. Rakhmetov


Aim. To determine the change in the structure of the inzucht-offspring in the content of cannabinoid substances in plants of different varieties of hemp under the influence of directed plus and minus selections. Methods. Taking into account the lability of natural phenol-cannabinoids, their transformation and isomerization under the influence of various factors, the method of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was used. Plants of varieties YuSO1 and Hlyana at the budding period were labeled and separated. Results. By selecting plants in inzucht offsprings for three years aimed at reducing the content of cannabinoids in the hemp straw YSO 1 and increasing the amount of these substances in the Hlyana variety showed that the increase in the content of cannabinoids was more active than reduction, indicating a dominant feature of cannabinoids. Under the condition of isolation, self-pollination and regardless of the plus and minus selections for the content of cannabinoids, for three generations there was a decrease in plant height and sterility of varieties. Conclusions. The results of chromatographic analyzes of inzucht generations by the content of cannabinoid substances under the influence of minus and plus selections indicate their dominant feature. Regardless of the minus and plus selections by the content of cannabinoids, provided that the isolation and self-pollination were carried out, the plant height declined.

Keywords: THC, CBD, CBN, CBDА, THCA.


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