Stem cells and genetics of development

  • L. L. Lukash


Such issues of developmental genetics as preformism and epigenesis, potential totipotency of somatic cells of an organism, the role of stem cells (SCs) in differentiation, tissue formation and regeneration, homeotic genes that control these processes were reviewed. Signal regulatory systems (Wnt-signaling and others) take part in the realization of potential ability of stem and differentiated cells of an organism to reversible transmission paths or reprogramming from one stations to the others. The universal properties of the SCs (the ability to the selfrenewing by divisions, differentiation, transdifferentiation, etc.) were formed on the basis of homologous genes of the simple organisms in the course of a prolonged evolution of living forms. Structural, functional and regulatory systems of the simple and complex eukaryotic organisms have much in common, and, probably, their individual elements might be interchangeable. The implementation of these functions is based on the use of common signal regulatory systems which control the universal functions of the cell. A specific example of the regulation of myogenic differentiation during embryogenesis and tissue regeneration is considered.

Keywords: developmental genetics, preformism, epigenesis, somatic cell totipotency, stem cells (SC), differentiation, reprogramming, embryogenesis, regeneration, homeotic genes, myogenesis.


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