The role of allelic and nonallelic interactions of genes in the mechanism of heterosis
Aim. Studying the heterosis effect from the point of view of allelic and nonallelic gene interaction in F1 hybrids from crossing the arabidopsis ecotypes Col-0 and La-0. Methods. Hybridological method of crossing mutant lines and analysis of the inheritance of the signs of the root system. Results. When plants of different races Col-0 and La-0 cross in the F2 generation, polymeric interaction of genes occurs. In that case splitting in F2 goes in the ratio 15: 1. At the same time, hybrids of the first generation exhibit heterosis, which is manifested in a more powerful development of a rosette of leaves in comparison with the initial forms. Conclusions. The emergence of heterosis in hybrids of the first generation can be explained on the basis of the allelic and nonallelic gene interaction, which creates a favorable combination of genes during hybridization, causing the best manifestation of an economically valuable trait.
Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., heterosis, gene, mutation, race.
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