Physiological and biochemical analysis of transgenic wheat plants of seed generation T2 with heterologous ornithine-δ-aminotransferase gene
Aim. To carry out physiological and biochemical analysis of genetically modified plants of bread wheat of seed generation T2 with the heterologous ornithine-Δ-aminotransferase gene. Methods. Biochemical determination of free L-proline content and ornithine-Δ-aminotransferase enzyme activity; physiological examination of plant growth in in vitro and in vivo conditions. Results. It was shown that transgenic plants did not differ from the controls under optimal conditions of cultivation. It was determined that transgenic plants under the conditions of osmotic stress are characterized by faster growth in comparison with control genotypes. It was found that T2 plants differed in the increased activity of the ornithine-Δ-aminotransferase enzyme, which is manifested when the norm-stress-norm conditions change. It was found that the introduction of a genetic construct that increases the expression of the oat gene does not lead to a significant change in the level of free L-proline in the leaves of plants, either in normal, or in terms of osmotic stress. Conclusions. Changes in the metabolism of transgenic plants allow them to better adapt to adverse conditions. They have better adaptive plasticity, since the yield of most of the transformed lines was significantly higher, compared to non-transformed plants that were under groundwater deficit.
Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, ornithine-Δ-aminotransferase gene, T2 plants, physiological-biochemical analysis.
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