α-E-Catenin is a potential regulator of canonical Wnt and HIPPO-signallings in myocardium

  • V. V. Balatskyy Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03680, m. Kyiv, vul. Acad. 150 Zabolotnogo
  • O. L. Palchevska Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03680, m. Kyiv, vul. Acad. 150 Zabolotnogo
  • L. L. Macewicz Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03680, m. Kyiv, vul. Acad. 150 Zabolotnogo
  • O. O. Piven Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03680, m. Kyiv, vul. Acad. 150 Zabolotnogo


The structural integrity of the myocardium is necessary for heart function and maintains by intercalated disks. Alpha-E-catenin – is important component of adherens junction in adult myocardium. In addition, during last time the possible signalling function of a-E-catenin was described. The aim of our work was to investigate the α-E-catenin regulatory function in canonical Wnt and HIPPO signalling in adult heart. Materials and methods. Our work was done with α- E-catenin conditional knockout mice and aMHC-Cre - transgenic animals using. Expression of genes involved in the canonical Wnt- and HIPPO signalling were analysed with rtPCR using. Canonical Wnt signalling activity was investigated by Western blot analysis. Result. We have shown that both heterozygous and homozygous deletion of α-E-catenin gene in the embryonic heart leads to activation of WNT / β-catenin signalling, namely we registered the higher level of c-Fos, c-Myc and Ctnnb1 genes expression and increasing of phosphorylated GSK3β in adult heart. In addition, we observed the HIPPO-signalling pathway activation after α- E-catenin gene ablation, namely we observed increasing of Ctgf, Il1rl1, Tnfrsf1b, Aurka genes expression. Conclusions. Α-E-catenin has an important signalling function in adult heart, namely α-E-catenin regulates cytoplasmic level of main transcriptional activators of the canonical Wnt- and HIPPO - signalling cascades: β-catenin and Yap what leas to limiting their signalling activity.

Keywords: α-E-catenin, β-catenin, HIPPO, Wnt-signalling, gene expression, myocardium


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