Stability and plasticity of wheat soft winter genotypes in the forest-steppe ecotope

  • T. Z. Moskalets Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Ukraine, 09117, Bila Tserkva, Soborna ploshcha, 8/1


Aim. The aim of the work was to study the reactions of genotypes (сultivars and promising lines) of winter bread wheat to the cultivation in the central Forest-Steppe conditions in terms of ecological plasticity, genetic flexibility, coefficient of variation and homeostaticity. Methods. Field methods and mathematical-statistical analysis. Results. The reactions of genotypes (сultivars and promising lines) of winter bread wheat to the cultivation in the central Forest-Steppe conditions were studied in terms of ecological plasticity, genetic flexibility, coefficient of variation and homeostatic. Conclusions. Winter wheat сultivar Nosshpa 100 was found to be the most stable under varied conditions of cultivation. This is evident from the lowest coefficient of variation (2.92 %) and high homeostaticity (183.60). Considerable variability and low homeostaticity were obseved in сultivars and lines of winter wheat KS 1 (V = 57.26 %; Hom = 3.17) and L 41/96 (V = 31.70 %; Hom = 7.75), Yuvivata 60 (V = 28.42 %; Hom = 7.15) and Ariivka (V = 28.15 %; Hom = 10.40) that indicates the instability and low adaptability of these genotypes to cultivation in the Forest-Steppe conditions.

Keywords: wheat soft winter, cultivars, lines, ecological plasticity, genetic flexibility, the coefficient of variation and homeostatic.


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